The latest version of Kiwi.el which formely was called sojge-irc.el, is now obtainable by anonymous ftp from [130236.254.1]. You'll find it in the file pub/emacs/Kiwi-x.y.el where x.y is the latest version; after getting it, you probaly want to rename it into Kiwi.el. This file can either be loaded directly into Emacs by doing M-X load-file RET Kiwi.el RET and then used by doing M-X irc RET A better way may be to first byte-compile the file by M-X byte-compile RET Kiwi.el RET to get the file Kiwi.elc, then to put it in one of the directories listed in the Emacs variable load-path (you can check the variables contest by saying C-h v load-path RET ) and by putting the line (autoload 'irc "Kiwi" "Internet Relay Chat client." t nil) in your .emacs file. After this, whenever you say M-X irc RET the irc client is loaded (if it wasn't loaded already) and you are asked for a hostname where an IRC server can be found. You can read more about how to intall and how to initialize it for startup by doing /HELP startup inside Kiwi. Please let the file be readable by everyone (chmod +r Kiwi*) on your system. If you have any problems, or suggestions, feel free to email me at address or sending me a message on irc. I use the nickname sojge. See you on IRC! /sojge