python311-sortedcontainers-2.4.0-150400.8.7.4<>,;f%\Sl-^j[K)/X֠ DjM|;YWWL ]2d_uP UF''{GϟK_ hHxW5ɕ u2@/>>1?1d# 0 L$(48Qr} @ n        w   |   ;( d8 l9 : F)G)H*XI*X*Y*\*]+@^-$b.c/@d/e/f/l/u/v0Lw0x0y1@ z1p1111Cpython311-sortedcontainers2.4.0150400.8.7.4Sorted container data typesSortedContainers is an Apache2 licensed containers library, written in pure-Python, and fast as C-extensions. Python's standard library is great until you need a sorted container type. Many will attest that you can get really far without one, but the moment you **really need** a sorted list, dict, or set, you're faced with a dozen different implementations, most using C-extensions without great documentation and benchmarking. SortedContainers takes all of the work out of Python sorted types - making your deployment and use of Python easy. There's no need to install a C compiler or pre-build and distribute custom extensions. Performance is a feature and testing has 100% coverage with unit tests and hours of stress.fApache-2.0 j jt^t^nnbcbcX*+Mq%L-AA큤A큤A큤A큤fvJwܴj,xQF7{ܷo ~e*t VkNƭ>kP4@m.pnK$ҿd]SЙ~S/cfO:㝢r+`_"1j-F[> H^و;#˰{Czm20TK8<^_ޱXJ%zX*C VXWp}ɸbMhro 'Y*ea_dYD٩o+QTߟPp5`h x}vNW汥 KIJR[݌r6g*-n)t%0>pXfv`D7@$Eջ1KQћN"!w;ױi?||jZ> ,z^QbfuXsWUbVGekxVf^QXs'b }Sm0SP x" E-\/U+DƻOl&M8 *a2-'t zhxxRzJC="|ᐧRMל! &, pJ8NM-ߎ-+]N.sL:52RaJȝa[Vsx_BԏdRY($nSٔ1"DFcQƔtKدյ/l#$儛9^NUhC[|3mw,\5z4g\ owpn,lOl,' h,mj)ܽ0<z ,Е) YZ